Thursday, May 13, 2010

The Gluten Free Diet....sometimes it just sucks

I just read this blog entry form another person's gluten free blog....The Gluten Free Diet--Sometimes it just sucks
I completely agree with all of the emotions brought up in the blog entry and the comments on the post.
I have been relatively "fine" lately, diet-wise.....but that doesn't mean it's always easy. Sure, it's been 19 months of gluten-free living (and still, no cheating!)....but that doesn't make social situations, which we all know often center around food (and mainstream party/social food tends to be chock-full of gluten!), any easier.
You really don't get just how much our lives revolve around food (which is really kind of sick/pathetic when you really get right down to it....I mean, here I am complaining about not being able to eat gluten when there are people in the world STARVING).....until you are faced with some sort of food allergy or intolerance.
Anyway, I could go on and on about that all day....
I'll just steal a couple of the quotes from the blog entry I mentioned above and the comments after it that really resonated with me:

"Sometimes being forced to be on a gluten-free diet just sucks. There’s no getting around it. I wish I could run out and grab a slice of pizza or get a sandwich at my favorite deli for lunch."

"Sometimes I just want to be able to eat a Twinkie or a box of Wheat Thins (of course I haven’t eaten a Twinkie since I was in elementary school, but somehow knowing that I won’t ever be able to eat one again makes me mourn the loss)." I know it probably sounds super overly dramatic to talk about "mourning a loss" when it comes to food...but it does stink to go without old favorites, such as bread bowls from Panera, Oreos, etc., etc.

"In the last year I have become so adept at eating/living gluten-free it has started to seem less like a burden, but it still is really hard sometimes." Absolutely agree. Most days it is so easy, basically second nature. However, there are days when it is truly hard.

"I usually don’t have that much of a problem sitting at a table while other people eat, but I had already been so demoralized by the previous evening that this was just too much. I fought back tears and tried to silence a rumbling stomach as we talked business." It really stinks sitting at a table full of people eating when you can't eat....or people enjoying the bread basket before a meal at a restaurant that serves bread (especially when you know how delicious it is!)

"In general I am a really positive person, but sometimes it really just sucks to be gluten-free." 'Nuff said! :)

"I’d say those social situations where someone thinks they have done you a favor are the hardest. And when someone takes a bite of an incredible sandwich, and they want to offer you a bite." Agreed. It is awful to know that a friend/family member really, really tried to take your diet needs into account....but to know that, somewhere in the preparation, a mistake was made. What do you do? Chance it? Or, turn it down? UGH!!!!!

"I hate feeling like a burden when I’m a guest." YES, a thousand times, YES!!!!!!!!

"What I hate more than anything is that gluten free eating has killed any spontaneity in my daily schedule. I hate planning my meals and researching every restaurant. I want to be in a rush, grab a sandwich, and keep on rushing. Why aren’t there more grab-and-go GF foods?" Being a rather busy person (I know we all are! :)), it really stinks not having many grab-and-go GF foods like a simple sandwich or something. Honestly, I go without lunch most days....or just snack on things that aren't as healthy or fulfilling as a good lunch. That probably doesn't make me the most productive or pleasant in the afternoons! :)

"It’s not like this all the time, obviously…but sometimes." It's not; it truly isn't. And, the longer I am on this diet, the easier it truly does become and the less "bad" days I have.

“a little bit won’t hurt you” Some people say this and/or ask related questions. No, no, no! Sorry!! A little bit, a doesn't matter about the quantity! I have gotten the sickest from the smallest amounts of gluten (from supposed cross-contamination).

I don't really mean this post to be as "negative" sounding as it is.....I just wanted to take the time to post a reaction to that blog post that I just discovered tonight :).

All in all, things are going well on the diet-front of life :). I did have a running mishap a few weeks ago that is surely due to gluten and some cross-contamination SOMEWHERE...if you dare (it's prettttty gross, as I am sure you can imagine!), go read it HERE: The Crappiest Run of My Life


Have a wonderful day, all!


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