Monday, June 28, 2010

Why does eating GF have to be so gosh-darn expensive!?

So tomorrow we (the Bloomington Easter Seals SLPs) are having a baby shower for our dear friend (and fellow SLP :)), Abbey. I am bringing dessert. Usually I like to put forth some valiant effort when it comes to hostessing/baking/cooking to entertain or for a party...but I am feeling tired and cheap lately. And, my husband informed me we have met our budget for June and can't spend any money until July (which, thankfully, is just two days away ;)). So, what to make for dessert....I decide to go to Cub food and decided ahead of time that I would be making a NON-GF dessert (I don't care that I can't eat it!)...I ended up buying a funfetti cake mix (mmmm! I used to love those! And they are super girlie and fun! Haha!!!) and a big container of vanilla frosting...for $2.82. What?! I know, I all of you non-GF folk out there, that surely doesn't sound too impressive. But $2.82 for a whole, big dessert that will feed a lot of people!? Unheard of! I haven't been able to pull that off in the past 18 months since going GF! I am pretty proud of my frugal-ness today :).
Ok, Abbey...if you are reading this ;) are TOTALLY MORE THAN WORTH a fancy, expensive dessert...and I apologize for being a slacker!!! ;) I am sure you know how it goes, though, being tired and cheap every now and again! ;)
I am totally looking forward to the shower, though!! :)
I love get-togethers like that!! :) I am so thankful to work with such fun, sweet women...I love spending time with them!
Bring on Tuesday!

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